Apple Cider Vinegar: 6 ways to use it in daily care

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Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most useful remedies for common cosmetic problems. It helps restore the correct acid-base balance of the skin and scalp. It is therefore useful for skin prone to blemishes and acne. All things considered, apple cider vinegar, like all vinegar, is acidic.

Apple cider vinegar has many beauty benefits. Some tips to use it in your daily routine.

Apple cider vinegar has many beauty benefits

The main ingredient is acetic acid. It also contains other acids, as well as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. When it comes to external care, apple cider vinegar is used for many skin and hair problems. For example, it rinses the hair well, restores its balance and gives it shine. After shampooing, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and use it as a final rinse.

Let’s see how you can use apple cider vinegar in your skincare routine.

Get rid of dandruff

If you have dandruff, wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo three times a week, using a smaller amount of shampoo and rinsing with plenty of water. Half an hour before shampooing, apply two tablespoons of vinegar to the scalp, massaging the scalp lightly.

For sticky dandruff that sticks to your scalp, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and gently rub it on your scalp to remove dandruff.

Restores the balance of acne-prone skin.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used to rebalance acne-prone skin. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water. Dip a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to your face. The skin has a natural acid mantle and restoring the acid-base balance helps maintain healthy skin.

Keep the itch at bay

If the skin on your body is itchy, vinegar helps relieve the itch. Add a little vinegar to the bath water and rinse your entire body with it, especially the itchy parts.

Lice infestation? Apple cider vinegar may be helpful

If you want to try home remedies for lice, apply apple cider vinegar to your hair and scalp. After an hour, comb out the lice with a fine comb and remove the nits (eggs) by hand. Vinegar loosens the nits and makes them easier to eliminate.

Then wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo. After shampooing, add two tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of water and use it as a final rinse. Then comb the lice again. Do this every day for a week.

Use it as a toner

Dilute apple cider vinegar with two parts water and spread the mixture on your face using a cotton pad to replace your current toner. This can be done in the evening after washing and in the morning before applying moisturizer. You can also leave a little apple cider vinegar on your skin overnight to fade age spots or acne scars.

Be wart free

Apple cider vinegar is also said to help with warts. It is best to refer warts to a dermatologist or seek homeopathic treatment, but if you want to try home remedies, apply vinegar to the warts daily with a cotton ball.

This is said to eventually cause them to fall. For warts, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, then apply the cotton ball to the wart with a patch overnight. The skin may swell slightly due to the reaction with the solution. However, the wart will fall off. After the fall, treatment must be continued for a few days to prevent the wart from reappearing.